Thursday, June 2, 2016

Top 7 foods for winter that helps in losing weight

So here comes the winter and bring with it new options of foods. There are so many healthy options of foods that can actually help you in losing weight. I know it is difficult to wake up early morning for workout in chilly weather. But you can’t afford to gain pounds. So try healthy fruits and vegetables that winter bring with it.

Oatmeal: Start your day with a bowl of oatmeal in the winter. It is full of nutrients and keeps you full for longer time. You will consume fewer calories later in a day, if you start your day with oatmeal.

Grape fruit: A study has shown that grape fruit helps in losing weight.  You don’t have to go on a grape fruit diet, just eat 1 grape fruit before and after your meal. It is also recommended to drink grape fruit juice three times a day to lose weight.

Salad:  Eat salad daily before your main meal helps in losing weight. The logic is when you eat full plate of salad before your main course you won’t feel much hungry and will eat less.

Guava: Guava is not only good in taste but it is full of vitamin A and C. This pink fruit is also rich in iron, calcium and fibre. Moreover it contains fewer calories.

Celery: Celery helps in burning calories and is rich in fiber. It has all the nutrition’s that are essential for body. Include celery in your salad or eat it to satisfy your food craving at night.

Sunflower seeds: Sunflower seeds are a rich source of vitamin B and protein. They are also very good for your immune system. Sunflower seeds have numerous health benefits like prevent cancer, healthy hair and skin.

Carrots: Carrot is rich in vitamin A which is good for immune system. It helps in reducing weight and also keeps your lungs healthy.

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